Records Management Archivist
April 18, 2012
The Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries is hiring a Records Management Archivist to work with the University Archivist to develop an innovative approach to records management with the purpose of improving our stewardship of a university history that exists in print, digitized, and born-digital form and can come from within and outside the boundaries of official university activity.Essential skills and knowledge areas include:
- strong technological literacy and curiosity
- deep understanding of born-digital archives and the emerging tools and techniques used to manage born-digital archives
- experience with traditional archives functions and processes
- comprehension of holistic approaches to information management that account for recorded memory that takes a variety of forms, including analog, digitized, and born-digital
- excellent interpersonal and communication skills needed when interviewing a diverse community of records creators for the purpose of discerning information management behavior and its impact on the documentation of university memory
- excellent writing and information visualization skills needed to create records retention schedules, functional requirements and other documentation, and information models
- the creativity, entrepreneurial spirit, and critical thinking competencies needed to play a crucial role in redefining institutional records management for an increasingly born-digital world in which important analog traces will endure
How to apply
Published: Wednesday, April 18, 2012 08:19 UTC
Last updated: Tuesday, February 28, 2017 23:47 UTC