Trove Support Leader (several positions)

0 other recent jobs
Created: June 28, 2013


Support the operation of the National Library of Australia’s single discovery service Trove.
Undertake maintenance and trouble-shooting of discovery service issues including liaison with technical and specialist staff, developing test plans and managing data collection activities.
Advise contributors on harvesting mechanisms, metadata schemas (e.g. MARC, Dublin Core, Encoded Archival Context) and mappings.
  • Engage with users in a variety of ways including through social media.
  • Library qualifications and/or library experience are highly desirable.
Job Category: Operational staff and frontline supervisor

Capabilities and Skills
  • Capability to manage an information or discovery service, including maintenance, activity reporting, trouble-shooting, testing and development. Experience with interactive web systems essential.
Desired experience and qualifications
  • Demonstrated customer service skills to a high standard.  An understanding of the needs of end users and contributors to online services. Identification and delivery of effective communication with a range of individuals and organisations using appropriate methods. Ability to explore new communication pathways and new audiences.
Specialist expertise
  • Knowledge of and experience working with cultural heritage and higher education sector agencies on metadata schemas and their application, or an ability to acquire such knowledge.
  • Effective communication and working relationships
  • Achieved results, influences and applies knowledge
  • Adaptability and digital confidence
The position is part of the Trove Support Team. Trove is the Library’s national discovery service (released in November 2009). It is a free public search engine. Trove harvests metadata content from over 1000 cultural heritage organisations.  The position requires a dynamic, energetic person that has solid experience in provision of online services; metadata; problem solving; and is customer service orientated.

The National Library employs some 470 staff who specialise in a wide variety of functions ranging from information management through to marketing and system development.

The Library serves the Australian people through the maintenance and development of a comprehensive reference collection and a rich collection of material related to Australians and Australia. The Library collects a wide range of research materials and includes more than ten million items ranging from traditional books and journals to paintings, drawings and prints, manuscripts, photographs, maps, aerial photographs, music scores and oral history recordings.
Our key challenge over the next decade is to harness the benefits of new technologies to provide the Australian community with greater access to our own extraordinary collection and the information resources of the world.

The Library recognises the important contribution its staff make towards meeting its goals and offers a satisfying and rewarding work environment. The Library values creative, innovative staff with a demonstrated commitment to excellence. We welcome diversity, including diversity of educational background and cultural heritage. Staff of the Library enjoy competitive salary rates, training and development opportunities and flexible employment conditions help staff combine work and family responsibilities.

Last updated: Tuesday, February 28, 2017 23:45 UTC