Digital Scholarship Librarian

Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts
1 other recent jobs
Created: February 24, 2023


Boston College Libraries’ Digital Scholarship Group (DSG) seeks a Digital Scholarship Librarian to be part of our new and growing team. Having recently hired two stellar candidates for our Data Visualization and one of our DS positions, we are now seeking someone who brings complementary skills–namely, web development and programming–and an equal ability to hit the ground running as the DSG strives to facilitate and support faculty and student digital research projects and digital scholarship (and digital humanities) in undergraduate and graduate curricula.

The Digital Scholarship Librarian is responsible for facilitating and supporting faculty and student digital research projects, ranging from short and long-term consultations (e.g., helping to identify appropriate methods, tools, and training resources) to more intensive, hands-on assistance with technology, project design, and project management. For faculty, they offer a range of teaching support, from providing one-shot instruction sessions to teaching multiple sessions and collaborating on curriculum design. Additionally, our DS Librarians are responsible for managing the Digital Studio in collaboration with the department head and will heavily influence how the space functions and the direction a potential redesign will take.

As a member of the DSG, the DS Librarians collaborate on providing current DS services, designing and implementing new ones, and are a valued voice in DSG strategic planning and goal setting as the group strives to expand its role in BC Libraries and beyond. The collaborative nature of this position extends to working with staff across the Libraries (subject liaison librarians, in particular) and campus with units such as Research Services and the Center for Digital Innovation in Learning to meet faculty research and teaching needs.

More informationApply on BC’s employment site.

Last updated: Sunday, February 26, 2023 15:14 UTC