Digital Library Services Librarian

Minneapolis, MN
1 other recent jobs
Salary: $57,500
Created: April 15, 2022


The Digital Library Services Librarian manages the DLS unit, reporting to the director of Cataloging, Metadata, and Digitization Services.  The DLS Librarian helps lead the Libraries efforts to develop, grow, and sustain a complement of digital library services, including digital conversion, digital collection development, and metadata management applications in support of researchers' needs. These activities are conducted alongside the strategic guidance of the leadership of Collections & Content Strategy and Archives and Special Collections, the Minnesota Digital Library (including in its role as a service hub of the Digital Public Library of America), other appropriate library committees, governing bodies and library staff, and other campus units and stakeholder groups. To achieve this work, the librarian coordinates with the Digital Library Services staff of digitization specialists and operators. The position resides within the Libraries’ Collections & Content Strategy service area and reports to the Director of Cataloging, Metadata, and Digitization Services.


Published: Friday, April 15, 2022 18:04 UTC

Last updated: Friday, April 15, 2022 18:04 UTC