Full time Remote / Telecommute

Senior Software Developer

1 other recent jobs
Created: February 12, 2021


As an open infrastructure organization, we ingest and distribute metadata from our 13,000+ member organizations worldwide, ensuring community collaboration in everything that we do. Our work helps achieve open research and open metadata goals, for the benefit of society. This is a time of considerable change for the Crossref community, and you can help shape our future.

The software development team is responsible for maintaining, operating and building the services that enable the workflows of our members and the wider research community. We have a deep understanding not only of technology, but also the needs of our diverse community.

You will contribute primarily to our Java and Kotlin codebases, with the option of also contributing to our Clojure codebases. We don’t expect you to be an expert in all of these, but you should have in-depth knowledge of at least one compiled, JVM, or Functional language (Java, Clojure, Kotlin, Scala, C#, Go etc). You will build primarily back-end services and APIs.

There's a lot more detail on the job ad page. https://www.crossref.org/jobs/2021-02-08-senior-software-developer/


Published: Saturday, February 13, 2021 03:03 UTC

Last updated: Saturday, February 13, 2021 03:03 UTC