Associate Dean, Technical Services and Collection Management

Clemson, SC
0 other recent jobs
Created: March 1, 2020


Clemson Libraries seeks an energetic and innovative leader to serve as Associate Dean for Technical Services and Collection Management. The successful candidate will provide vision and strategic direction for five functional teams, which currently include 21 faculty and staff, and direct the development of collections responsive to the research and pedagogical needs of Clemson’s faculty, staff, and students. The incumbent will monitor trends and evaluate emerging technologies to improve information access and discovery for university students, faculty, and the local community. They also will represent the Libraries in collaborative collection development initiatives and process development with other libraries and consortia. Clemson Libraries are part of a statewide implementation of Ex Libris’ Alma and Primo with a go-live date of June 1, 2020. This new position reports to the Dean of Libraries and will be part of a new leadership configuration to include at least one other Associate Dean. This is a 12-month tenured position with faculty rank and status. As a member of the Libraries’ faculty, the successful candidate will pursue an active and ongoing program of research, service, and professional development. 

To apply, visit:

Applications received by March 25, 2020 will be guaranteed consideration.

Last updated: Monday, March 2, 2020 15:57 UTC