Head of Discovery Systems

0 other recent jobs
Created: September 28, 2012


Queen’s University Library invites applications for the position of Head, Discovery Systems.

Reporting to an Associate University Librarian, the Head of Discovery Systems provides leadership and direction in the planning, development, delivery and ongoing assessment of high quality services for the Library’s Discovery Systems division. Services provided by the Discovery Systems division include administration and assessment of the Library’s integrated library system and related interfaces and processes, additional library management systems including the link resolver, electronic resource management system and institutional repository, the Library’s website and discovery layer, digital initiatives and the Library’s hardware and software infrastructure.

The Head provides leadership and direction for Discovery Systems staff, support and technical expertise to the Library, and is responsible for evaluating and implementing new approaches to service in a rapidly changing library environment; fostering a collegial and productive environment for staff, and ensuring that user-centred services meet the constantly evolving needs of a diverse educational and research user community. The Head consults and collaborates with other units and divisions within Queen’s University Library, promoting the vision of a team-based learning organization. Responsibilities will evolve as the Library continues to develop and restructure in support of the University’s strategic priorities.


An ALA accredited MLIS or equivalent degree with a strong academic background.

A keen interest in information technology, digital initiatives, social media and emerging web and mobile technologies and demonstrated ability to plan, develop, implement and manage system installations and projects. Evidence of analytic skills to effectively manage data in relational database form. Proven technical abilities and demonstrated knowledge of current applications and utility tools for managing and transferring data between different systems. Working experience with both server and PC-based operating systems and software (Unix and Windows). Knowledge of database technologies and standards with working experience using products such as MySQL, Oracle and MS Access. Experience developing and administering application and web-based solutions using a variety of technologies (e.g. PHP, Java, Perl, C, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, XML/XSL). Experience administering an integrated library system and familiarity with metadata standards and formats for library systems (e.g. MARC 21, Dublin Core, METS, MODS), authentication (e.g. LDAP, Shibboleth) and protocols for search and retrieval, messaging and networking (e.g. : APIs and RESTful web services, Z39.50, EDI, OpenURL, OAI, FTP).

Substantial relevant professional experience with a record of successful administrative and management experience, preferably in an academic research library setting. Demonstrated leadership and facilitative abilities, and the ability to motivate staff in an environment that supports the vision of one library with a shared allegiance to common goals and a ‘learning organization’ philosophy of continuous staff development, engagement and teamwork.

Awareness of opportunities and challenges for library services and collections. Ability to evaluate and implement new approaches and to respond creatively to rapidly changing academic, research and library environments.

Strong analytical and problem-solving skills. Excellent interpersonal and communication skills and demonstrated ability to work effectively with all staff members in a collaborative team-based environment. Creativity, flexibility and initiative.


Queen's is one of Canada's leading universities, with an international reputation for scholarship, research, social purpose and spirit. Established in 1841, Queen’s has reflected and helped shape Canadian values and policies, educating some of the country’s most notable figures. The university has a student body of 23,000, representing 83 different countries, and 2500 faculty drawn from some of the best institutions in the world. Queen's is located in the heart of historic Kingston, midpoint between Montreal and Toronto, and the nation's capital.

Queen’s University Library consistently receives top marks as a medium-sized university library. It comprises six libraries and several cross-library divisions supporting the university’s academic mission, and is known for its dedicated staff, strong research collections and superb facilities. A staff of approximately 120 provides information leadership and is deeply embedded in Queen’s faculties and schools of Engineering & Applied Science, Arts & Science, Business, Education, Health Sciences, Law, Policy Studies, Religion and Urban & Regional Planning. The Library’s research collections, developed since the university’s founding, are a central university priority and include millions of print and digital items supported by a strong technology infrastructure and a focus on scholarly communications. Library facilities are heavily used campus hubs with a mix of inviting, accessible learning spaces, computers and collections. Queen’s University Library is a member of the Association of Research Libraries and the Canadian Association of Research Libraries.

Salary and Benefits:

Librarians are members of the Queen’s University Faculty Association and terms and conditions of work are governed by the collective agreement between the Association and the University, which is posted at http://www.qufa.ca Salary and rank will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. This is a five year term position that may be renewed in accordance with Article 41 of the collective agreement.

The University invites applications from all qualified individuals. Queen's University is committed to employment equity and diversity in the workplace and welcomes applications from women, visible minorities, aboriginal people, persons with disabilities, and persons of any sexual orientation or gender identity. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be given priority.

Complete position guide: http://goo.gl/mq5FW
Learn more about Queen’s University Library: http://library.queensu.ca
Learn more about Queen's University: http://www.queensu.ca/

Application Procedure:

Applications will be reviewed beginning October 12, 2012.
A letter of application, accompanied by curriculum vitae and the names of three referees, one of whom must be a current or recent supervisor, should be sent to:
Michael Vandenburg,
Associate University Librarian
Joseph S. Stauffer Library
Queen's University Kingston, Ontario K7L 5C4
FAX: (613) 533-6362
EMAIL: library.hr@queensu.ca

Last updated: Tuesday, February 28, 2017 23:46 UTC