Discovery & Delivery Systems Librarian

1 other recent jobs
Created: August 12, 2016


Join the California Digital Library Discovery and Delivery team. We are
seeking a forward-thinking Systems Librarian with digital library experience:

The Discovery and Delivery Systems Librarian serves as a domain expert in both library and key technical domains, responsible for operating key library services (union catalog, link resolvers) and integrated services such as Interlibrary Loan, while maintaining community connections and information flow related to library systems software, standards and infrastructure. The position demands solid knowledge of core library systems, particularly link resolvers, and academic publishing workflows, as well as demonstrated ability to think strategically about evolving systems in new directions to meet emerging needs. Responsibilities include technical configuration and administration of current product implementations. Another strong component of the position is understanding what the various components of academic library systems are and how they integrate.

Get details about this position, and link to apply, here:

Last updated: Tuesday, February 28, 2017 23:40 UTC