Technical Specialist, LOCKSS

2 other recent jobs
Created: September 2, 2012


The LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) Program [], based at Stanford University is preserving today's valuable Web content for tomorrow's readers and scholars. The ACM award-winning LOCKSS technology is open source, peer-to-peer digital preservation infrastructure.

The Content Processing Specialist will process digital content for ingest into the LOCKSS system for preservation by: Configuring publisher plugins by inputting regular expressions using the LOCKSS ingest tools; Testing and verifying that the plugins collect and preserve targeted content; Depositing verified plugins into the plugin repository for LOCKSS network distribution; Preparing required metadata.

The person in this position has knowledge of web publishing and URL structures. Familiarity with Java is a plus. Their skill level is equivalent to that acquired via a four-year computer science or information science degree.Most of the significant expertise for this position is acquired through on the job training.

Last updated: Tuesday, February 28, 2017 23:46 UTC