Digital Scholarship Librarian/English Professor

1 other recent jobs
Created: September 10, 2015


The University of Alabama seeks a faculty librarian to hold a split appointment (60/40) in the University Libraries and the Department of English to continue our excellent support of digital scholarship at The University of Alabama.  In addition to conducting his or her own research and teaching in the Department of English, the successful candidate will serve as an ambassador within the University of Alabama faculty to promote the resources and community of the Alabama Digital Humanities Center (ADHC).

A program of the University Libraries, the ADHC ( is a space and a community of over 90 faculty and staff members from American Studies, Art and Art History, Communication and Information Sciences, Continuing Studies, Criminal Justice, Education, English, Gender and Race Studies, History, the Libraries, Honors, Modern Languages and Classics, Music, UA Press, and the Center for Community-Based Partnerships.  The facility is outfitted with a high-tech array of equipment, specialized software, presentation space, high-definition virtual conferencing capabilities, and group and individual workspace.  The initiative has evolved through collaboration and represents a growing and dynamic community on campus.  Housed in the Amelia Gayle Gorgas Library, a central gathering point on campus, the Center was built through generous support from the University Libraries, the Office of Information Technology, and a generous gift from Dr. & Mrs. Arthur Taylor.  Open now for nearly five years, the Center has hosted graduate digital humanities classes, numerous guest lectures, monthly brown-bag discussion gatherings, private project consultations, tool training sessions, project work, and community conversations.

The successful candidate will devote 60% time to outreach activities promoting the digital humanities and the mission of the ADHC and 40% time to conducting his or her own research and teaching in the Department of English, likely one course per semester, including:
  • Teach at the graduate and undergraduate levels within the candidate’s academic specialty and in keeping with departmental needs.
  • Conduct appropriate scholarly research within the candidate’s academic specialty.
  • Work closely with the Libraries faculty and staff in organizing and leading lunch discussions, training workshops, and other public events related to the digital humanities.  As the ADHC operates in a team atmosphere, the successful candidate will be expected to take an active role in the established community to help the ADHC maintain a responsive environment and to assess its impact.
  • Provide consultations by appointment to work with faculty and students on digital humanities projects.
  • Coordinate the ADHC speaker series.
  • Promote the work of the ADHC, including communications about ADHC events and projects, publishing web site content, and engaging with the ADHC community through social media.
  • Offer relevant workshops throughout the academic year.
  • Guide the planning and execution of events such as THATCamp Alabama and the Digitorium.
  • Supervise one technical specialist.
The position will report to the Associate Dean for Branch Libraries and Digital Student Services to whom the digital humanities center reports in the Libraries.  The tenure home for this position is the University Libraries and progress toward promotion and tenure will be governed by the University of Alabama Faculty Handbook and Supplemental Criteria and Standards for Promotion and Tenure for University Libraries Faculty.  Evaluative feedback with regard to teaching and research in the Department of English will be provided to the University Libraries by the English department chair.
~~Please apply online at  A letter of application, resume, and names, address, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses of three references should be included.

Position open until filled. Applications received by October 15, 2015 are assured of receiving full consideration.


Published: Thursday, September 10, 2015 10:49 UTC

Last updated: Tuesday, February 28, 2017 23:41 UTC