Software Developers (2)

Los Angeles
0 other recent jobs
Created: June 18, 2015


I'm looking for two good library coders to join my team at the Getty<> Research Institute<>.

Our current team is made up of myself, three more software engineers, and a UX designer (3 female, 2 male).

Our current projects include:

1. Rebuilding the Getty Research Portal<> The Portal is a search index for art history texts digitized by the Getty and other museums and libraries around the world. It's a simple catalog of records with links to the digitized items hosted by the conrtibuting intitutions. It was built several years ago as a custom Java + Solr application. We are moving it to an ElasticSearch index and putting a nicer UI on top which we intend to build with Angular.js.

2. Rebuilding the Provenance Index<> The Provenance Index is a collection of databases containing records of auction house transactions, dealer stock books, archival inventories, etc., which enable users to trace the provenance of a piece of artwork, conduct research of art markets, and study the history of collecting. The current system was built 30 years ago as a non-integrated collection of flat file databases. We are going to rebuild the entire system as a Linked Data application.

3. Scholar's Workspace This web application is an online environment for art historians to conduct collaborative research by sharing images of artwork, facsimiles of transcripts, and other digital surrogates. They can annotate these items, create comparisons, build bibliographies, etc. -- essentially all the actions and discussions they need to conduct collaborative research. A proof-of-concept system was already built in Drupal by another team and has been used on a couple research projects. My team will build the production version (not in Drupal, possibly in Django + Angular...Djangular??) and make use of some appropriate standards such as IIIF and Open Annotation.

4. Digital Archives Navigation Application (DANA) This project will be a complete rethinking of how we present archival collections to users. We intend to break apart the siloed nature of EAD encoded finding aids, and link reources within a collection and between multiple collections and across multiple applications (such as the Portal and Provenance Index mentioned above, along with many others).

5. Digitization, Automation, 'Flow & Tracking (DAFT) We digitize a lot of stuff here, and we have been given a mandate to double our output. Our workflows grew organically over the years and are filled with exceptions, workarounds, switchbacks, and offshoots. If we're going to continue to grow, we need to do some pruning and add some structure. We have recently begun mapping the entire workflow and my team will build a an application to track (and automate as much as possible) every item digitized, from the moment of selection, through every step of processing, and finally to the upload into various repositories like the Getty Research Portal, the Internet Archive, and the Hathi Trust. This will be built almost exclusively with Python/Django.

Those are the major projects my team has been tasked with. Each of these projects is interesting in its own way and should provide each contributor a satisying challenge and an excellent opportunity for professional growth. If you are interested in collaboratively building information-intensive web applications (primarily using Python and JavaScript frameworks), then we have plenty of work to offer you.

The Getty is a great place to work. The environment is second to none in beauty<>. We have a team of good natured people. And we get every other Friday off!

If you're interested you can find the job applications here:

Software Engineer<> (1-4 years experience) Software Engineer<> (5+ years experience)

Feel free to contact me with questions.



Joshua Gomez | Sr. Software Engineer

Getty Research Institute | Los Angeles, CA

(310) 440-7410


Published: Thursday, June 18, 2015 21:58 UTC

Last updated: Tuesday, February 28, 2017 23:41 UTC