Records Analyst/Manager of Digital Documentation

Mount Pleasant
0 other recent jobs
Created: May 6, 2015


Develop and implement the operation of an ongoing electronic records program for University and University-related born digital records, including born digital records created by organizations, institutions, and individuals affiliated with the University. Will work in cooperation with relevant CMU offices and officials and, insofar as possible, will work within the framework of existing institutional information technology structures, policies, and practices, which sometimes will include handling of confidential records. Compliance with international records management standards as described in ISO 15489 and Open Archival Information System concepts, as described in ISO 14721, is highly desirable.

Required Qualifications
  • Bachelor’s degree with training in archives.
  • One year professional work experience with born digital records exercising duties and responsibilities incorporating aspects of those listed below.
  • Knowledge of current and developing trends, tools, and protocols regarding born digital records management and/or born digital archives.
  • Ability to work effectively in a dynamically changing technology environment
  • Demonstrated excellent written, verbal, and interpersonal skills.
  • Demonstrated commitment to excellent service.
Preferred Qualifications
  • Master’s degree.
  • Experience and accomplishments in records scheduling/management of born digital records and working with university-related born digital records in an archival setting.
  • Experience working with large databases.
  • Experience and accomplishments with web archiving use.
  • Experience and accomplishments with personal digital archiving use.
  • Professional accomplishments that demonstrate leadership, initiative, and organizing ability.
  • Documented success in working collaboratively with an organizational unit and across unit lines leading to the successful control, preservation, and long-term use of born digital records.
  • Demonstrated knowledge and experience with ISO 15489 and ISO 14721.
  • Successful supervisory experience.
Duties and Responsibilities
  • Develop or cooperate in the development of tools and workflows for the ingest and data storage, media, content management, and access of born digital records for archival use.
  • Participate in the creation of, and as needed subsequent review of, appropriate record schedules for born digital material.
  • Maintain knowledge of evolving standards and professional best practices.
  • Facilitate and coordinate development of processes (both individually and collaboratively) for records management and archival care of born digital records, reflecting evolving standards and professional best practices.
  • Coordinate projects to digitize and make accessible legacy, paper-based records that relate to data now born digital.
  • Develop or cooperate in the team development of appropriate digital practices for web archiving of historically significant material.
  • Develop or cooperate in the development of appropriate digital practices for historically significant digital records created in association with University activity by closely affiliated organizations and individuals.
  • Assist in applications for additional resources, including requests to private individuals and foundations, as well as grant applications to appropriate public agencies.
  • Manage projects with potentially competing priorities and rigorous deadlines.
  • Supervise student employees.
  • Other duties as assigned.


Published: Wednesday, May 6, 2015 02:15 UTC

Last updated: Tuesday, February 28, 2017 23:42 UTC