Development and Operations Lead

0 other recent jobs
Created: December 16, 2014


The Washington State University Libraries invites applications for Development and Operations Lead, a fulltime, 12-month, 3-year temporary position. The primary responsibility of this position is to extend and maintain the Mukurtu content management system codebase and locally installed instances.

This position will also consult on, plan, and implement technology solutions within the Center for Digital Scholarship and Curation (CDSC), a newly formed Center that builds on existing collaborations between the Libraries and the College of Arts and Sciences and will offer a broad suite of tools and projects for faculty and students across the campus. The CDSC is housed in the Libraries and encompasses all of the digital projects, assets and collections that the Libraries creates and maintains. This position is grant funded until September 30th, 2017 (with the possibility of extension) and reports to the Head of Library Systems and Technical Operations. This position is located on the Pullman campus.

Position Details:
Working with the support of colleagues within the Center for Digital Scholarship and Curation and the WSU Libraries Systems Group the Development and Operations lead will work to expand development of the Mukurtu CMS (, add features, update systems and work to integrate Mukurtu into the core Library systems and projects including servicing several tribal communities nationwide in their use of the system. This position supports the projects of the CDSC and faculty projects with major focus on digital archiving and preservation. The Development and Operations lead should be proficient in Drupal development and ideally able to work in an agile development setting and able to work with support teams. He or she provides programming and  systems analysis for the design, development and documentation of complex research tools across a wide range of projects.

See full Notice of Vacancy for more details: 


Apply here: (Applications accepted through 1/4/15)


Published: Tuesday, December 16, 2014 21:38 UTC

Last updated: Tuesday, February 28, 2017 23:42 UTC