Project Archivist / Digital Project Manager

1 other recent jobs
Created: July 16, 2012


The University of California, Berkeley, is seeking a Processing Archivist and Digital Project Manager whose primary responsibility will be the processing of two large architectural records collections. This is a full-time (1 FTE), temporary appointment for one year. The successful candidate will have experience with processing complex collections, demonstrated understanding of archival description and non-traditional materials, familiarity with archival standards (EAD, METS, MARC, MODS), and strong communication skills.

The Environment

The Environmental Design Archives is committed to raising awareness of the significant architectural and landscape heritage of Northern California through collecting, preserving, and providing access to the primary records of the built environment of the region and landscaped environment of the world. The work of most of the San Francisco Bay Region's historically significant architects and landscape architects are represented in the collections of more than 100 architects and firms. These collections contain drawings, plans, specifications, photographs, audio-tapes, personal papers, business records, furniture, art, and artifacts.

The Environmental Design Archives provides primary source material for scholarly research, teaching support, preservation, and public service, and actively encourages and promotes the use of its collections.


The Project Archivist will report to the Curator of the Environmental Design Archives and has full responsibility to:
  • develop strategies for project planning and implementation
  • oversee the processing of complex architectural collections
  • implement online cataloging and the creation of electronic finding aids using MARC and EAD
  • determine selection of images to be digitized
  • be responsible for metadata entry, and manage related workflow for digital imaging
  • supervise one Library Assistant and two students
  • conduct appraisal based on understanding the process of creating and using design, landscape, and planning records
  • promote collections through publication, exhibition, and public speaking.
UC Berkeley librarians are expected to participate in library-wide planning and governance, to work effectively in a shared decision-making environment, and to be active professionally. Professional contributions beyond the primary responsibilities are required for advancement in the Librarian series. The successful candidate will show promise or evidence of such contributions.


  • MLS degree from an ALA-accredited institution, Masters degree in Archival Administration or equivalent degree relevant to the management of archival collections, and a minimum of two years successful experience with archival collections.
  • demonstrated understanding of archival collections and principles of arrangement and description creating completed finding aids
  • experience with digital projects and on-line description and cataloging including an understanding of current trends, and techniques.
  • experience with MARC and EAD standards for description as well as familiarity with metadata concepts and standards and website technology
  • knowledge of HTML, SGML, and EAD
  • excellent analytical, interpersonal and communication skills, initiative and flexibility
  • a strong commitment to excellence in service and demonstrated ability to work independently as well as collaboratively in a complex, changing environment.
  • undergraduate degree in history  (especially architectural, US or Western US history)
  • knowledge of architecture/landscape architecture or  architectural history
  • experience with special media and non-textual records and digital content management systems
The Library at the University of California, Berkeley is committed to the support and encouragement of a multicultural environment and seeks candidates who can make positive and imaginative contributions in a context of ethnic and cultural diversity.

Professional librarians at UC are academic appointees and are represented by an exclusive bargaining agent, University Council - American Federation of Teachers (UC-AFT). This position is in the bargaining unit. Librarians are entitled to appropriate professional leave, two days per month of vacation leave, one day per month of sick leave, and all other benefits granted to non-faculty academic personnel. The University has an excellent retirement system and sponsors a variety of group health, dental, vision, and life insurance plans in addition to other benefits.

Deadline:  Consideration will be given to applications received by August 10, 2012.

Applicants are encouraged to submit applications by e-mail. Applications should include a letter addressing the candidate's qualifications; a full resume of their education and relevant experience; and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references who are knowledgeable about their qualifications for this position.

Send applications to:
Waverly B. Lowell
(510) 643.5655

Last updated: Tuesday, February 28, 2017 23:47 UTC