Western CT State University has applied for a grant from the NEH to make improvements to a statewide EAD search application called the CT Archives Online (http://library.wcsu.edu/cao). We are looking for a consultant developer or developers to he...
Western Connecticut State University is accepting proposals to provide software programming services with the Connecticut Archives Online (CAO) database through a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities. Bid questions due 11/20/2015,...
Western Connecticut State University is pleased to announce that applications are currently being accepted for a full-time, tenure-track Digital Services Librarian position in the Ruth A. Haas Library. The Digital Services Librarian plays a leader...
WCSU is pleased to announce that applications are currently being accepted for a full-time, tenure-track position in the Ruth A. Haas Library. Responsibilities include providing bibliographic instruction and assistance with collection development,...