Full time Remote / Telecommute

Research Data Engineer

Salary: 75,000-110,000
Created: July 11, 2024


How to Apply


Please apply through the UM Careers site, including all the documents listed below as one attachment. 

  • Cover letter describing their data engineering experience and interest in the position
  • Resume
  • Sample of programming work (can be a URL to a git repository)




We are seeking a highly skilled and motivated Research Data Engineer to join the Social Media Archive at ICPSR. SOMAR is the only archive that facilitates direct researcher access to social media platform data. As a Research Data Engineer, you will play a pivotal role in connecting researchers with platform data through private APIs and trusted data environments. For instance, we proxy access to Meta's Content Library API through a combination of AWS services. We are also expanding our data sources beyond Meta. We work with other teams at the University of Michigan (U-M) and platforms to create trusted research environments that enable researchers to access and analyze sensitive data in secure, privacy-protecting ways. You can learn more about what we do from the SOMAR Director's recent presentation to the Accelerating Research Using Data Meshes and Data Fabrics (ARDM-24) Workshop.

Some great reasons to come work with SOMAR:

  • Work remotely as long as you're available for 2-3 weekly Zoom meetings during Eastern time business hours and responsive on Slack.
  • Meet quarterly API update schedules with realistic timelines for implementation that don't require overtime.
  • Be eligible for various benefits from U-M (specific benefits depend on the structure of your appointment).
  • Join a diverse, inclusive team that includes folks marginalized by their identities, abilities, and races.
  • No direct user interaction or on-call shifts required.


Published: Monday, July 15, 2024 17:31 UTC

Last updated: Monday, July 15, 2024 17:31 UTC