Digital Repository Services Manager

Dublin (with hybrid working up to 3 days)
0 other recent jobs
Salary: €68491 - €83525
Created: January 5, 2024


The Digital Repository Services Manager has responsibility for developing and delivering the set of services, policies and processes (ingest, data management, archival storage, access control, preservation planning) needed to streamline and operationalise the long-term management of ingested digital content, regardless of how that content has been acquired by the NLI. They will ensure the necessary infrastructural and policy base to allow the NLI to make digital content available in a variety of ways to meet the evolving needs of designated user communities. This role provides organisation-wide supports, acting as a lynchpin between collecting departments, user-facing services, as well as the NLI’s ICT and Library Systems teams.

As such the Digital Repository Services Manager will work closely with colleagues across other NLI teams, including Digital Library Systems, Born Digital Archives, Special collections and Published Collections, Digitisation, Web Archive, Service Delivery, and Education, Learning, and Programming, and will be a member of the NLI’s cross-departmental Digital Collecting Steering Group.

Last updated: Friday, January 12, 2024 23:34 UTC