Product and Research Director

Cambridge, MA
0 other recent jobs
Created: December 19, 2022


The Harvard Library Innovation Lab (LIL) seeks a Product and Research Director to help us build tools and communities for open knowledge. Located at the Harvard Law Library, LIL is a fun and collaborative lab with a broad mission focused on re-envisioning how knowledge is created, preserved, and accessed. Please visit our website at to get a sense of our current projects and activities. 

The Product and Research Director will report to — and serve as a thought partner to — the Lab’s director. The role’s primary duty is to identify, prioritize, and allocate resources among LIL’s many ongoing projects and opportunities. This person will have a lead role in designing our systems for moving projects from early experiments to completion and for evaluating success.


Published: Sunday, January 1, 2023 22:12 UTC

Last updated: Sunday, January 1, 2023 22:12 UTC