Full time Remote / Telecommute

Text Analysis Instructor

1 other recent jobs
Salary: 65,000-75,000
Created: July 28, 2022


Constellate, the new text analysis service from ITHAKA (which brought you JSTOR & Portico), is hiring a text analysis instructor. Do you have a passion for teaching?  Some Python and NLP experience?  An interest in working for a tech start-up embedded in an established not-for-profit with a mission to improve access to knowledge and education for people around the world?  Constellate isn't just a piece of software, but provides the content and tools users need together in one place, alongside a defined curriculum and robust tutorials, live classes taught by text analysis experts, and a community users can connect to for inspiration and guidance.  As a Constellate text analysis instructor you join a small, dynamic, tight-knit team.  You are involved in Constellate business and technology decisions.  You will teach our established classes and also build your own (you could build and teach beginner classes or how about teaching advanced research topics?)  The job description is online at the ITHAKA website, please feel free to circulate it to friends and colleagues, the iSchool at your university, or any DH or DS email lists on campus.


Published: Thursday, July 28, 2022 19:36 UTC

Last updated: Thursday, July 28, 2022 19:36 UTC