Contract Remote / Telecommute


New York, NY
1 other recent jobs
Salary: $50/hr for up to 50 hours
Created: May 17, 2022


The Center for Jewish History seeks an experienced freelance Windows developer to assist with scripting the automation of two distinct workflows related to the preservation and conversion of digital files. The development work is projected to take up to 50 hours at a rate of $50/hour to complete and test the two new automated workflows. Successful candidates should have experience using Amazon Web Services APIs specific to Glacier and familiarity with software/applications like ImageMagick for reformatting files. To apply for the temporary development opportunity at the Center, please send a brief introductory letter explaining your suitability for the automation projects, your resume, and a list of references familiar with your experience as a developer.

How to apply


Sarah Hopley, Senior Manager for Collection Services


Published: Wednesday, May 18, 2022 17:05 UTC

Last updated: Wednesday, May 18, 2022 17:05 UTC