Digital Archivist

Created: February 21, 2022


Thomas Jefferson University Archives and Special Collections seeks an experienced, service-oriented, and energetic individual to grow our digital archives and digital collections programs and support digital collections infrastructure and practices.  This position is based at Jefferson’s Center City campus and reports to the University Archivist.  The University Archives and Special Collections is a unit of the Jefferson Libraries.  Learn more about the Archives here and the Jefferson Libraries here .


·        Lead production responsibilities for the Jefferson Digital Commons, manage technical aspects of Digital Commons, content ingest and updating processes, metadata maintenance, and establishment of new collections.

·        Manage ongoing archiving of the university’s web presence and other born-digital university materials through Archive-It.

·        Work with Academic Commons and Office of Research Administration staff to provide support for compliance with data management and sharing mandates.

·        Produce quarterly or annual reports on progress in oversight areas.

·        Process archival materials creating inventories, guides, and other finding aids.

·        With University Archivist prioritize digitization projects of historical materials and manage digitization, meta-data creation, and ingestion to Jefferson Digital Commons.

·        Provide timely reference assistance to the university community and outside researchers using Archives and Special Collections, in person and remotely.

·        Participate in outreach and teaching activities for Archives and Special Collections, and the Jefferson Digital Commons. 

Required qualifications:

·        Master’s degree from an ALA-accredited graduate program with archives focus or advanced degree in History.

·        2-years’ professional experience an archives or special collections setting

·        Experience with digital asset management, digital repository, and/or digital library systems.

·        Knowledge of archival standards and best practices, and digital preservation frameworks.

·        Demonstrated knowledge of relevant metadata standards for archival collections.

·        Excellent oral, written, and interpersonal communication skills.

Preferred qualifications:

·        Experience with BePress’ Digital Commons

·        Experience with Archive-It

·        Experience supervising staff and/or student workers

·        Experience with archival research and/or guiding researchers and others in use of archive and special collections materials. 

·        Experience creating exhibits and programs using archival objects and documents.

Last updated: Monday, February 21, 2022 21:28 UTC