Programmer Analyst IV

Los Angeles, CA
0 other recent jobs
Created: August 26, 2021


The University of Southern California (USC) Libraries seek a Programmer / Application Support Analyst IV to provide business/technical support to functional users. Reporting to the Director of Integrated Library Systems, this position oversees libraries’ access and authentication service, participates in the operation of library management system and discovery service, and resolves issues related to library applications and access. This opportunity requires knowledge and skills in TCP/IP and HTTP protocols, scripting, application development, data analysis, and security measures.

How to apply


(Mr.) Win Shih, Ed. D. | Director of Integrated Library Systems
University of Southern California ✌
3434 South Grand Ave. CAL 208, MC 2810
O: 213-740-9250 | M: 720-936-9097 |


Published: Thursday, August 26, 2021 21:59 UTC

Last updated: Thursday, August 26, 2021 21:59 UTC