Manager of Catalog Management Unit

— New Haven, CT
1 other recent jobs
Created: June 14, 2021


Yale University Library seeks a dynamic and collaborative manager to lead the Catalog Management Unit (CMU) within the Department of Resource Discovery Services (RDS). On behalf of the Yale Library and its users, the successful candidate will guide the unit in performing catalog data quality assurance, data remediation, workflow automation, and database reporting. The incumbent will also track, analyze, and apply trends in technical services involving catalog management, copy cataloging, workflow automation, and batch data editing. This position will provide documentation, specifications, reports, and contractual oversight for vendors that provide services such as authority control and contract cataloging. He or she will be the primary liaison between CMU and the Library Shelving Facility, Access Services, and other stakeholders with which CMU works closely.

This position will be assigned a rank of Librarian 2 to Librarian 3. Librarian ranking information can be found at 

Last updated: Monday, June 14, 2021 15:32 UTC