Full time Remote / Telecommute

Software Engineer - Front-End Developer

Baltimore or Remote
1 other recent jobs
Salary: $69,140 - $95,005
Created: September 15, 2020


We are looking for an experienced front end developer to join our team as the primary designer and developer for our patron- and staff-facing library systems, including our Blacklight discovery service instance, our resource-linking service, and various other locally developed and open source projects. Our team values diversity, creativity, and collaboration. The position is open to remote workers within the United States. Please see the job listing for Requisition 24518 on our website at jobs.jhu.edu for more details and to apply.

For more details and to apply, please go to https://jobs.jhu.edu/search/?q=24518


Submitted by: a.morrison@jhu.edu

Published: Friday, September 18, 2020 04:21 UTC

Last updated: Friday, September 18, 2020 04:21 UTC