Job posting: Web Services Librarian, University of Alabama Libraries

1 other recent jobs
Created: April 7, 2010


The following faculty position is open at the University of Alabama Libraries. Please go to for complete position description and application details.



Web Services Librarian


The University of Alabama seeks an energetic and innovative applicant for the position of Web Services Librarian. This faculty position reports to the Head of the Web Services Department and works in a team environment with other faculty and staff. The position has numerous responsibilities that include developing interactive web pages that enhance access to collections, providing seamless user services, and facilitating the work of library employees; maintaining existing, and developing new, web applications and software tools; supporting the Drupal Content Management System. The successful candidate will gather, report, and evaluate web statistics and data as well as facilitate the use of assessment and other tools; maintain currency with cutting edge web and mobile technologies, software, tools, and solutions and participate in evaluation and assessment efforts. This position will also provide training and technical support to content providers for Drupal and other web-based software.

How to apply


Jason Battles

World Wide Web Drupal


Published: Wednesday, April 7, 2010 18:22 UTC

Last updated: Tuesday, February 28, 2017 23:47 UTC