Diversity Resident Librarian

State College, PA
2 other recent jobs
Created: April 3, 2019


The Penn State University Libraries invites applications for two positions in the third cohort of the Diversity Residency Librarian program. The residency is a three-year fixed-term faculty position.

This program grows out of the University Libraries’ longstanding commitment to diversity. With each cohort of residents, we have incorporated feedback and adapted the program. As we continue our strategic initiatives, diversity emerges as a priority at every level. Residents build on foundations of librarianship and contribute directly to an area of strategic importance for the University Libraries. The residents will have counterparts at other libraries and opportunities for networking through the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) Diversity Alliance.

The University Libraries values diversity of thought, perspective, experience and people, and is actively committed to a culture of inclusion and respect. We encourage candidates to apply who thrive in a welcoming multicultural environment. For more information on Penn State’s commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusive Excellence, visit http://equity.psu.edu/psu-diversity-statement. For additional information about the Libraries’ diversity efforts, please visit https://libraries.psu.edu/about/diversity.


You will dedicate the duration of the residency in a primary strategic area contributing your own expertise, as well as gaining insights, transferrable skills, and deep experiences. An emphasis is placed on high-quality portfolio outcomes, suitable for publishing and presentation in national venues and support is provided for professional development and conference attendance.

Opportunities are available in the following areas of strategic importance for the University Libraries:

  • Assessment and User Experience
  • Copyright and Scholarly Communication
  • Open Publishing and Open Educational Resources
  • Repository and Data Curation Services
  • Student Engagement
  • User-centered Information Technology and Access to Information

Please identify one or more of these areas of interest in your cover letter and address all required qualifications in your documentation.

You will participate actively in University and Libraries committees, councils and task forces and have a faculty mentor. You will become actively involved in relevant national and regional professional organizations and have support to participate in research and scholarship and service activities within the university and profession.

How to apply


Published: Thursday, April 4, 2019 23:21 UTC

Last updated: Thursday, April 4, 2019 23:21 UTC