Bridge2Hyku Content Strategist

Houston, Texas
0 other recent jobs
Created: November 7, 2017


The University of Houston Libraries are hiring a Content Strategist to coordinate work on the IMLS funded Bridge2Hyku (B2H) grant (LG-70-17-0217-17), a 2 year term position. The B2H project aims to create a migration toolkit to assist institutions planning a migration to a Hyku repository. The content strategist will participate in the development of workflows, data models, and use cases through an Agile development cycle. The position will work with team members to conduct interviews and surveys with project partners and other institutions. This position will also be responsible for: creating workflow documentation established by the B2H development team; ensuring that the user experience is consistent throughout the B2H project; writing blog posts regarding the status of the B2H project; offering presentations and workshops, and engaging with the open source community by providing marketing materials for B2H project deliverables.

How to apply


Andy Weidner
Bridge2Hyku Project Manager
University of Houston Libraries

Data migration Web content Web development


Published: Wednesday, November 8, 2017 22:43 UTC

Last updated: Wednesday, November 8, 2017 22:43 UTC