Associate Director, Library Applications and Knowledge Systems (UMB HS/HSL)

Baltimore, MD
0 other recent jobs
Created: August 2, 2017


Hi all,

If anyone is interested in being an Associate Director for the IT division in a fast-paced and highly collaborative environment, please check the posting below!

This position oversees 7 staff members (6.5 FTE) in 3 functional groups (Systems and IT support, Application Development, and Instructional and emerging technologies including an active makerspace), is part of the terrific senior leadership team, and participates in the campus-wide IT governance representing the main university library (HS/HSL) at the regular campus-wide IT Leaders meeting chaired by the university CIO.

This is my current position I am leaving soon. So if you have any questions, I am happy to talk or refer you to the search committee chair.

Associate Director, Library Applications and Knowledge Systems
University of Maryland Baltimore - Health Sciences and Human Services Library (HS/HSL)

How to apply


Bohyun Kim, MA, MSLIS
Associate Director, Library Applications and Knowledge Systems


Published: Wednesday, August 2, 2017 23:20 UTC

Last updated: Wednesday, August 2, 2017 23:20 UTC