Four positions with the University of Toronto

0 other recent jobs
Created: April 10, 2017


The University of Toronto Libraries is hiring four positions to join a newly formed team focusing on advancing the state of the art of digital preservation at the University of Toronto. We are looking for individuals who are interested in building a distributed digital asset management system to handle the influx of data created by today’s research and preservation activities.

We’re looking for two individuals with a focus on development [1] and two individuals with a focus on operations [2], to join a team that will work in close collaboration to build the new system.

If you have any questions about either position, please feel free to contact me,


How to apply


Andy Wagner
Senior Software Engineer
Information Technology Services
University of Toronto Libraries


Published: Thursday, May 11, 2017 14:28 UTC

Last updated: Thursday, May 11, 2017 14:28 UTC