Programmer Analyst, Schoenberg Database

0 other recent jobs
Created: May 23, 2014


With a growing collection of over 200,000 records representing approximately 90,000 manuscripts, the Schoenberg Database of Manuscripts (SDBM) is the largest freely available repository of data on manuscript books produced before 1600 in the world. The Programmer Analyst for the SDBM will work with the database manager of the SDBM and the staff of the Schoenberg Institute of Manuscripts (SIMS) to design, build, test, and deploy the next generation of the SDBM. The New SDBM will be a crowd-sourced application providing web, mobile, and application interfaces for the discovery, access, and entry of manuscript data. The Programmer Analyst will work with SIMS staff to design and build the New SDBM as a user-driven database of manuscript information available for data aggregation and data mining. Develop the SDBM using web development frameworks such as Django, jQuery, and Bootstap. Work with the library’s Information Technologies and Digital Development (iTaDD) department’s Digital Library Architecture (DLA), which will provide core data access API’s for the SDBM.

Bachelor’s Degree in computer science, information science or relevant discipline and at least 1 year experience with web application development for publicly accessible, interactive websites using relevant technologies such as jQuery, Django, or Grails and using data structures from SQL or XML or equivalent combination of education and experience is required.
  • Proven development skills, including developing rich interactive websites
  • Experience working with SQL databases
  • Experience working with source code version control systems, such as Git, Subversion, or Mercurial
  • Experience with unit and integration testing practices, such as test-driven development (TDD) or behavior-driven development (BDD)
  • Outstanding communication skills
  • Ability to work effectively with stakeholders and work collaboratively with technical staff
  • Demonstrated capacity to learn new methods and processes
Not required, but desirable are:
Knowledge of HTML5, mobile application development, document databases, Linked Open Data (LOD), and Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) guidelines.

Last updated: Tuesday, February 28, 2017 23:43 UTC