Data Services Librarian

0 other recent jobs
Created: May 16, 2014


The Data Services Librarian, a library faculty position, conducts outreach and engagement efforts to members of the campus community and offers strategies, best practices and services to manage their data throughout the research life cycle with an eye to ensuring that the university complies with federal mandates. Some of the responsibilities include:
  • Works with library personnel to implement data curation systems in current and future data preservation infrastructures (e.g. ArchivalWare, Research Showcase)
  • Provides support for the creation, review, cleaning, and publication of data products and associated metadata products
  • Provides technical support for data and content owners using data preservation infrastructures
  • Leads the development of policies and procedures for data curation and management on campus
  • The librarian engages in committee work and collaborates in other areas relevant to the professional responsibilities of the appointment.

  • Education: MLS/MLIS from an ALA-accredited institution or significant related experience or degree.
    • Experience:
    • Demonstrated understanding of data curation and lifecycle management of data in an academic setting
    • Demonstrated experience with non-MARC standards (e.g. DC, MODS, EAD, METS, TEI, etc.)
    • Demonstrated experience cross-walking, normalizing and transforming XML using XSL
    • Demonstrated understanding of developments and trends in data services and tools
    • Familiarity with emerging technologies, standards, and trends in digital scholarship (e.g., electronic publishing, data mining, digital preservation)
  • Skills: Applicants must have knowledge of:
    • The use of data in research and teaching in an academic environment
    • Demonstrated understanding of the concepts and trends in data curation and data life cycle management
    • Of technology and standards related to digital libraries and data curation such as metadata (Dublin Core, Datacite, MARC, and other domain-specific metadata schema), OpenURL, OAI, Linked Data, and other Web 2.0 principles
    • Demonstrated understanding and knowledge of available tools for providing research data management services in an academic environment
    • Demonstrated understanding of the variety of data types, uses, and formats deployed in an academic environment
    • Proficiency with PC and Macintosh and other operating systems
    • Excellent organizational, communication, and presentation skills
    • Strong interpersonal skills with the ability to effectively interact with diverse groups including colleagues, faculty, students, and administrators in collaborative team environments
    • Demonstrated ability to manage projects and work independently or as part of a team.
  • Physical Mobility: Ability to travel to campus and off-campus locations; ability to sit at computer for long periods of time; keyboard use/repetitive hand motion; sedentary work.
  • Environmental Conditions: Normal office environment.
  • Mental: Ability to understand, respond and follow directions; Ability to remain calm and composed when dealing with difficult situations or people, including employee relationships; ability to work under pressure; ability to pay close attention to detail; ability to meet deadlines; reading/close-up work; ability to organize work; ability to prioritize work; ability to persuade; ability to effectively negotiate; and ability to maintain confidentiality.
  • Other: This position requires a background check.
  • Education: A Ph.D. or a graduate degree in the sciences or engineering is preferred.
  • Experience: At least two years experience in a library, or in an academic setting. Familiarity with the market for digital resources and knowledge of scholarly communication patterns in academic institutions. Experience providing research support in an academic library setting. Knowledge of the issues surrounding scholarly communications and data management planning.
  • Skills:
    • Demonstrated familiarity with basic principles of programming with one or more major programming language (etc. Python, PHP, Javascript)
    • Experience with GIS, statistical software, or other specialized data processing and data production applications
    • Experience with one or more digital library, archival preservation, or institutional repository systems

Last updated: Tuesday, February 28, 2017 23:43 UTC