Research Associate for Time-Based Media
January 7, 2014
Carnegie Museum of Art is seeking qualified candidates for the position of Senior Research Associate, Time-Based Media Collection. The Senior Research Associate will be responsible for overseeing a three-year, grant-funded project focused on preserving and providing access to the collection. Duties include: maintaining the database records for time-based media materials, assisting with the accessioning of new acquisitions, arranging for the migration of selected materials to digital formats, developing and implementing grant related programs and activities, providing support for exhibitions and other events at the museum, supervising project interns, and overseeing the archiving of the Film and Video department’s paper and photo archive by the Archival Assistant.The position requires an advanced understanding of avant-garde film and video history, as well as knowledge of moving-image metadata standards; analog and digital video formats; and standards and practices for film and video preservation and video digitization and display. Excellent oral and written communication skills; strong project management, planning, and organizational capabilities; and the ability to work well with a wide array of staff members and external experts are critical. The candidate should have a master’s degree in moving image archiving, archival studies, or an equivalent combination of academic training and work experience. Experience working with museum collections and experience spearheading moving image access initiatives preferred.
For more information and to apply, visit Application materials will only be accepted online via the employer's website. EOE
How to apply
Published: Tuesday, January 7, 2014 14:35 UTC
Last updated: Tuesday, February 28, 2017 23:44 UTC