Virtual Community Engagement Manager

0 other recent jobs
Created: January 2, 2014


Skokie Public Library seeks an experienced, innovative professional with a strong understanding of online community building to be its new Virtual Community Engagement Manager.

As a member of the senior management team, the Virtual Community Engagement Manager will provide leadership and a vision for a newly formed department by working alongside fellow managers and directing the work of the Content Strategy Coordinator, Web Developer, and Production Specialists.  The primary responsibility will be to oversee the Library’s online presences, including the Library website and online catalog, social media channels, and additional websites managed by the Library. In addition to contributing content for the Library’s online presences, the Virtual Community Engagement Manager will work with others to develop strategies for content, visual design, and user research.

The successful candidate will have an MLS degree from an ALA-accredited Library school or relevant work experience, 3-5 years of experience designing and managing websites, a high-level understanding of popular social media channels, proven project management skills, team-building experience, and excellent communication skills.

Preferred qualifications include: Experience with and knowledge of HTML, CSS, Python, Django; ability to use wireframing and other prototyping approaches for website development; understanding of responsive web design, cross-browser issues, best practices for user-interface design, and web and accessibility standards.

Please include examples of websites and social media presences you have designed and/or managed along with your cover letter and resume.

Going to ALA Midwinter 2014 in Philadelphia? Get in touch with us and our Deputy Director will try to meet you there to answer any questions you have about the position.

Salary Range:  $59,500-$87,900

View the full job description.


Published: Thursday, January 2, 2014 22:08 UTC

Last updated: Tuesday, February 28, 2017 23:44 UTC