Web Developer

Ann Arbor
0 other recent jobs
Created: November 5, 2013


The University of Michigan Library seeks an experienced and motivated developer to manage and extend the Library's Drupal 7 and Drupal 6 websites. This position is part of a team of developers in Library Web Systems that creates new tools and sites for the library, including the public-facing library web site and a staff intranet. We are about to embark on a wholesale redesign of the public website. If you are a developer looking to work on interesting challenges and use your Drupal, PHP, MySQL, and Solr knowledge, this is the job for you.

The University of Michigan Library web site is at the cutting edge of information provision. Library Web Systems provides the library's web infrastructure so that the University's 50,000 faculty, staff and students can do the research they need to accomplish. Come be a part of a team that is building innovative services based on open source technologies.

Preferred work location is on the University's Ann Arbor campus but remote work options may be available for candidates living in other areas.

To learn more about what Library Web Systems does, visit http://bit.ly/libwebsystems or contact Ken Varnum at varnum@umich.edu

Salary is subject to experience and other qualifications. This is a full-time, permanent position. Excellent benefits, including 24 vacation days per year. For details, see benefits.umich.edu/

For full qualifications and information applying, please visit http://bit.ly/HEDQyW

-- Ken Varnum | Web Systems Manager | MLibrary - University of Michigan - Ann Arbor varnum@umich.edu | @varnum | http://www.lib.umich.edu/users/varnum | 734-615-3287

How to apply


Ken Varnum

Solr PHP MySQL Drupal


Published: Tuesday, November 5, 2013 19:20 UTC

Last updated: Tuesday, February 28, 2017 23:44 UTC